Portrait - Axel Le Palabe
Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
ALP: I'm Axel Le Palabe, I was born on June 13th 1998. I have been skiing since the age of 3. I started with alpine skiing with several years in ski club before starting freestyle skiing. For 4 years I was part of the French team and had the chance to travel all over the world thanks to the competitions. I became French Slopestyle champion in 2016. Today I have decided to turn to freeride ski racing. My goal is to reach the Freeride World Tour.

When and how did you learn paraglider ?
ALP: I've been flying since I was 3 years old in a two-seater with my father. I started flying solo 4 years ago in Annecy, France, doing an initiation course.

What is your practice at paraglider ?
ALP: My flying is quite varied, I like it all. Soaring, flying hike, trying to make my first small cross and flight ski. I try to touch everything to become as versatile as possible 🙂

Do you have a special memory of flight to share with us?
ALP: My most outstanding memory in flight is with my father. A great tandem among many in Aussois (in the Maurienne valley where I come from) . This one we flew very close to the clouds, so I picked up a few pieces of the clouds to bring back to my mum! These memories of childhood flights will remain engraved. Thank you Daddy for having transmitted this passion to me.

What are your upcoming projects (paraglider and outside paraglider) ?
ALP: My goals for the next few years are to perform in freeride competitions. I want to use paraglider to bring new emotions, images, visions or new adventures through the networks by making the link with all my different passions but also my passion for paraglider.
Instagram : @axel_lepalabe